Exploring nature is something pleasurable and in many cases for our guests something out of the ordinary, out of the ordinary, as many come from big cities like Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. For your trip to take place with peace of mind, here are some safety tips that you should observe. These tips are informative on any trip or tour, but they should not replace your safety planning, which must always take into account the peculiarities of your destination.
On this page below:
Care in Waterfalls
Trail Care
Nomenclature of Waterfalls
Website Terms of Use
Care in Waterfalls
1. Look up the weather forecast before you go
This tip actually applies to any tour that is done in the middle of nature. This is because taking a rainy weather or strong storms is not an interesting option, in addition to being dangerous due to lightning, for example. This is one of the most important precautions when visiting a waterfall, because if there is rain, there is also the possibility that the waterfall will have more flow. Current is also something that can happen during a storm. Therefore, do not plan a trip to the waterfall without making sure that the day will be good, with enough light and plenty of sun to be able to enjoy it peacefully.
2. Be aware of waterspouts (waterhead)
Have you ever seen what a waterspout looks like? It's when there's a huge outpouring of water unexpectedly and you're taken completely by surprise. This happens a lot when there is rain or when a storm has passed and the water in the region drains into the river. Unfortunately, this type of situation is more common than you might think, and it's also super dangerous. To protect yourself from this, the ideal is to avoid going to the waterfall on rainy days, or staying under the waterfall all the time. Also count on buoys to always stay on top and be able to lean on in case of any problem. Be aware of any changes in the flow of water from a waterfall. At the slightest sign of change, get out of the water and look for a safe place.
3 - Have suitable clothes and shoes
One of the most basic precautions in waterfalls involves how to dress and wear shoes. Flip-flops, for example, can be uncomfortable for a trail to the site or, if you have to go up and down stairs or ravines, this type of footwear can be very dangerous and slippery. A good option are walking or running shoes and even climbing shoes, which, in addition to being comfortable, are very practical. The sneakers also make the journey much easier and protect the feet against insect bites or splinters and branches present in nature, which can hurt, scratch or injure the skin.
4 - Avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages
Leave it for that cold beer or drink when you return to thePousada & Parada Olhos D'Água and together with your family and friends share the stories of your ride. It is good to remember that, in a waterfall, there may be shallower parts and deeper ones, which requires extra care, especially in relation to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The reason? A person who loses track of how much they've drunk can risk themselves without realizing it and drowning or getting hurt: these are just a few situations that can happen.
5 - Prefer to take the tour with someone who already knows the region
Going to a waterfall is incredible, but it's always good to have someone who knows the region and the path to it. Depending on availability, Pousada & Parada Olhos D'Água can recommend a companion for you. Never do this type of tour alone. If traveling as a couple or in a group, always let someone know your itinerary and expected return date. When you return let me know that everything is fine.
6 - Do not practice risky behavior
Don't go into lakes if you don't know how to swim. If you can swim, look at the depth of a waterfall's lakes, as there are shallow parts and deep parts. Beware of "brocades" which is when the depth of a lake changes abruptly, this is very common, so be careful. In Santa Bárbara do Tugúrio there are waterfalls where the lake unexpectedly changes its depth from one to ten meters, be very careful. Do not dive into waterfall lakes, as there may be rocks at the bottom and seriously injure you. Don't stay too long under the waterfalls. And when you stay, be aware of the descent of stones, branches and venomous animals that can come together in the current and hurt you. Do not jump, do not play games that put your safety and others at risk, etc.
6 - Help
Remember if,when visiting a waterfall or other natural attractions inSanta Barbara do Tugurioyou are at your own risk,so stay safe and have a nice smooth ride. The municipality does not have its own Fire Department, in case of accidents help can take a long time to arrive, especially in isolated places. Note that in many places in the city there is no cell phone signal to ask for help.
- FIREMEN - Call 193
- POLICE - Call 190
SAMU - Call 192
Trail Care
Sunscreen: mandatory item.
Repellent: mandatory item. Correct use – first sunscreen and then repellent.
Food: don't stop eating, you need calories. Avoid heavy and difficult to digest foods.
Hydration: drink water, drink plenty of water and carry your water. You won't always have drinking water on the trail. And you are responsible for your water.
Low blood pressure: in case of low blood pressure problems, stay hydrated and eat properly. If you feel dizzy or weak, tell your companion immediately.
Allergies: People with allergies should be extra careful. Carry your hypoallergenic in your backpack. If you are allergic to bees, have your adrenaline with you and let your companions know about it and provide instructions on how to use it if necessary.
Walking in rivers and streams: it is always slippery, step on small stones, avoid large, smooth ones. When crossing the river, walk facing the current you will have more stability.
Knowing how to swim x current: Knowing how to swim is not always a guarantee of safety – respect the water. Currents can be treacherous.
Clothing: Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants. They will protect from insects and the sun. "Australian" type caps or hats are highly recommended. Socks – choose synthetic over cotton to avoid blisters.
Footwear: Trail boots are always the best. Never hike in slippers or sandals. If you happen to take your boots off at a stop, check the inside before putting them on, there may be a venomous animal inside.
Have a first aid kit.
Respect the nature of the place you visit
Collect all the garbage you produce, including cigarette bingas. Do not throw garbage along the trails, in the woods or in streams. Do not pick fruits, flowers or anything from the places visited, respect other people's property by being kind and respectful.Remember that all the natural beauties of Santa Bárbara do Tugúrio are on private property.Follow the recommendations of your Tour Guide or Escort. Do not access places without authorization.
Nomenclature of the Waterfalls of Santa Bárbara do Tugurio
The waterfalls in the city of Santa Bárbara do Tugúrio do not have official names. Many waterfalls receive informal names that refer to the location or region of the municipality where they are. Other waterfalls are named after locals near the falls. Others are given names created by officials or owners of the land where the waterfalls are located. Others are named after tour guides who take individuals and/or groups of people to the falls. Others are named after the owner of the land where the waterfall is located. Other waterfalls in the city simply do not have names. Because of this, it is possible to find waterfalls with one or more names depending on who you ask and they are the same place (the same waterfall). On the internet, waterfalls have different names depending on the source used for research. Pousada & Parada Olhos D'Água, whenever possible and available, tries to mention all these variations of names for the comfort of our guests. However, for the purposes of organizing and standardizing the menus, titles and subtitles of pages on our website, we use the information provided at Open Street Map. We reserve the right not to follow these updates as indicated in the Website Terms of Use below.
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Why is the city of Santa Bárbara do Tugúrio in Minas Gerais considered the "capital of waterfalls" in Campo das Vertentes? Because currently there are more than 50 waterfalls documented in the limits of the municipality. Many of these untouched natural beauties attract tourists from all over Brazil who like to explore remote natural beauties. There is a saying in Minas that says: "the more beautiful the waterfall, the harder it is to find it." The starting point for all this is Pousada & Parada Olhos D'Água.

Most of the natural beauties of Santa Bárbara do Tugúrio that make the city a large natural park with its more than 50 waterfalls, trails and viewpoints are in places that are often only known_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_by residents of the region or may be on private properties. The Guide or Accompanying Person is important as it will take you along the correct path - many waterfalls do not have a marked trail - and will obtain, if necessary, authorizations to access the places e make your Pleasant, worry-free ride.